By Jesus’s breaking the Sabbath laws, He did not sin but rather revealed Himself. He was the Messiah that Israel had been waiting to welcome!
Thursday, February 29, 2024

Saturday, February 24, 2024
Adventist to Christian | Laurie Werk's Testimony | FAF Conference 2024

Friday, February 23, 2024
Adventist Does Not Believe in the True Rest Offered by Jesus | Colleen Tinker | FAF Conference 2024

Tuesday, February 20, 2024
My Dear Seventh-Day Adventist Friends,
Feel free to criticize this article. I am open if you find any errors in my points or arguments. I am willing to edit any mistakes you see until we reach a point where we agree on our views. I already thank you, my Seventh-day Adventist friends, especially the SDA debaters. If possible, please comment here on social media where this article is posted. Your comments will be open to the public. I kindly request that we accompany our comments with respect and love and avoid ridicule or personal insults. We are doing this for the sake of truth, not for the sake of debate. Thank you very much. God bless us all! Let us pray that each of us may be enlightened with the help of the Holy Spirit! Let's begin our study.

Saturday, February 17, 2024
(1) We must either keep all the laws of Torah, or (2) accept the fact that “all is accomplished”
Source: Proof That We Must Keep the Law? – Proclamation! Online Magazine | Former Adventist Fellowship (

Saturday, February 10, 2024
John 14:15 (NLT)
15 “If you love me, obey my commandments.
It wasn't difficult for Jesus to directly say that He meant specifically the ten commandments when He said "commandments" here. He just didn't intend to teach the ten commandments in this scene because it wasn't really what He wanted to teach His disciples as preparation for entering the New Covenant. The commandments that Jesus expects those who love Him to obey, according to Jesus Himself, are nothing but "Love each other in the same way I have loved you" and "This is my command: Love each other." These commandments were not even written among the ten commandments, so how can Seventh-day Adventists say that the "commandments" in John 15:14 is about the 10 commandments?
John 13:34-35 (NLT) 34 So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. 35 Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.”
2 Corinthians 3:7-11 (TLB) 7 Yet that old system of law that led to death began with such glory that people could not bear to look at Moses’ face. For as he gave them God’s law to obey, his face shone out with the very glory of God—though the brightness was already fading away. 8 Shall we not expect far greater glory in these days when the Holy Spirit is giving life? 9 If the plan that leads to doom was glorious, much more glorious is the plan that makes men right with God. 10 In fact, that first glory as it shone from Moses’ face is worth nothing at all in comparison with the overwhelming glory of the new agreement. 11 So if the old system that faded into nothing was full of heavenly glory, the glory of God’s new plan for our salvation is certainly far greater, for it is eternal.


Friday, February 9, 2024
Jonathan Espina says:
Hebrews 9:7 (NIV)

Yes, you will have to go through the difficult season of losing the life you have known as an Adventist, but you will find a life that’s much better in the long run, the life you are given from Christ.
…Jesus the God-man was fallible according to Adventism. This is both blasphemous and heretical thinking.
Leave Adventism for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord, for the sake of His one true saving gospel!

Tuesday, February 6, 2024
#1.) So now, are you the only ones who will be saved, you and your members?
The Former Adventist Fellowship Philippines does not claim that only we will be saved. It is not the objective of the Former Adventist Fellowship Philippines ministry to boast that we alone proclaim the truth worldwide and that we alone are the children of God, thus prompting those leaving the Seventh-day Adventist church to join us.
The Former Adventist Fellowship Philippines is not a religion or church, but rather an association or fellowship of former SDA members whose sole purpose is to further understand the gospel of salvation by grace alone, through faith alone in Christ alone. It was established on September 12, 2019. FAFP prioritizes former SDAs who have long left the SDA church but have yet to find a born-again Christian church to join for the growth of their faith in the Lord Jesus and nurturing. FAFP provides them with guidance on which Christ-centered Christian Church they can attend near their location. For transitioning SDAs who have not yet decided to leave the SDA church, FAFP also helps them understand the basic doctrines of Christianity through our weekly Bible study. Of course, FAFP first ensures that they understand the gospel of salvation and clarify its difference from the false gospel taught to them by the SDA church. After they understand the doctrine of salvation and some beliefs of historic Christianity, we recommend to them which gospel-oriented Christian church they can join near their location.
In simpler terms, the goal of the FAFP ministry is for every SDA member leaving the SDA church to first understand and have clarity on the biblical doctrine of salvation by grace alone, through faith alone in Christ alone. We also provide clarity to FAFP members on the true meaning of Sola Scriptura compared to the weak understanding of the authority of Scriptures in the SDA church. Therefore, it is wrong for anyone to think that FAFP teaches that only we will be saved by the Lord. Instead, we strive to invite SDA church members to be open-minded and have the opportunity to understand the gospel of salvation that we experienced as former members of the Seventh-day Adventist church. We do not want to monopolize the blessings of salvation, so we continue to share it with others. Therefore, it is not true that we promote that we monopolized the gift of salvation.
The FAFP has no right to ever say that those who do not believe or listen to our preaching will not be saved. This is solely the prerogative of God because only He knows and understands who they are.
For our Seventh-day Adventist friends who still want to learn more about the doctrine of salvation, you can contact us through the following information:
Facebook Group #1: Former Adventist Fellowship Philippines
Facebook Group #2: FAFP Community Group Chat
To support this ministry:
Gcash# 09695143944

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Saturday, February 3, 2024
"Just focus on yourself, bro... What you should encourage now to join you are Catholics, Baptists, Iglesia ni Cristo, Protestants, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc... You've become too smart, you're no different from Quiboloy, Soriano, and others who don't follow God's laws anymore. John 14:15... 1 John 4:19-21... You're really angry with your former companion like bro. Johnson Amican... and with the whole Seventh Day Adventist community... If you're really sensible like Balberan and Sabaupan... don't mock your former companions... if there was something wrong with where you came from because you think you're right now or because of your grudge... Then go to those who still don't know the truth or teachings and attack them on social media... Have some shame if you no longer fear God to follow His laws and commandments... Ecclesiastes 12:13-14... It's that simple, bro."
It's really fair to say that Adventist bigots are very unreasonable because they are highly prejudiced or biased in their beliefs, which they mostly just believe without understanding why. When you ask an Adventist why they believe something, they often say it's because it's what they've been taught since they were young or what their elders and pastors have taught them without independent and critical examination. So, it's undeniable that many Adventists stay in the SDA church because of social value, good relationships, or kindness shown to them, including being part of Adventist families for many generations, aside from some material benefits and advantages. Being a Seventh-day Adventist has become their comfort zone, regardless of whether their beliefs are right or wrong.
I also mentioned that bro. Jaime Catalan's reasoning is unreasonable, and his perspective is hypocritical because the SDA church also criticizes "false teachings" like Sunday worship, eating pork, and not following the Ten Commandments. If we were to turn bro. Jaime Catalan's criticism back to him, then the SDA church should also stop criticizing those who worship on Sundays (even though we don't consider Sunday as the Sabbath!).
Romans 1:16-17 (NLT) 16 For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes—the Jew first and also the Gentile. 17 This Good News tells us how God makes us right in his sight. This is accomplished from start to finish by faith. As the Scriptures say, “It is through faith that a righteous person has life.”
SDAs haven't come to where we are now. It's true that some born-again Christians have converted to the SDA church, which I think is because they haven't studied the Bible deeply. Many SDAs have become Catholics, but I'm sure SDAs would also agree that just because someone becomes a member of the Roman Catholic church, it doesn't mean it's the true church.
“There is no excuse for anyone in taking the position that there is no more truth to be revealed and that all our expositions of Scripture are without an error. The fact that certain doctrines have been held as truth for many years by our people, is not a proof that our ideas are infallible. Age will not make error into truth, and truth can afford to be fair. No true doctrine will lose anything by close investigation.” (Christian Writers and Editors p.35)
Therefore, according to this advice from their prophet, the most effective antidote to the bigotry for bro. Jaime Catalan and other members of the SDA church is to refrain from assuming that the doctrines of the SDA church are already perfect and unchangeable. In other words, they should be open-minded and learn to listen to what others are saying before hastily judging a perspective without understanding what it truly entails. We former Adventists did not fall short in this aspect. It's more likely that the level of study and depth of our research into the teachings of SDAs has not yet been reached by bro. Jaime Catalan. For example, his accusation against us, claiming that we no longer believe in the validity of the 10 Commandments for Christians and implying that we can become criminals, is merely gossip and an "unreasonable belief" because, in truth, we born-again Christians believe, "Now we can serve God, not in the old way of obeying the letter of the law, but in the new way of living in the Spirit."
Romans 7:6 (NLT) 6 But now we have been released from the law, for we died to it and are no longer captive to its power. Now we can serve God, not in the old way of obeying the letter of the law, but in the new way of living in the Spirit.

"So, if I understand correctly, when an Adventist asks you why your life looks like you have a respect for only 9 of the 10 commandments, one way you could respond would be to say that the fourth commandment was the only one that wasn’t a moral law?
I’m not intending to debate. I’m just trying to develop my best defense. Does the position that the 10 commandments were “nailed to the cross” and the “fourth is not moral” struggle with Hebrews chapter 4? The author seems to make sure and connect the concept of rest to the fourth commandment in vs. 4 and 9. Then, in verse 10, he connects it to what God did at creation which seems to me to indicate that there’s a moral component to this. This chapter in Hebrews is why I’ve felt like I needed to maintain that the 4th commandment is indeed moral, but since the rest that “Joshua had given them” was clearly inadequate, there is a new rest found in Christ. Therefore, I “keep” the fourth when I have faith in Christ’s recreation work in me. With this line of thought, I’d argue that the Adventists ironically have an incredibly low view of the Sabbath as they “only” rest one day out of the week, and my entire life is consumed with rest."
Good Question
I had to understand the nature of the law before I could understand that the Sabbath was a ritual requirement.
Law Built On Levitical Priesthood
Galatians 3:17–21 clarifies that the law had a beginning—430 years after Moses—and an ending: when the Seed came.
The Ten and all the rest of the law which explained the administration of the Ten were one law.
The seventh day WAS truly ritual, but because it was the sign of the covenant and a demand of God, it was, for Israel, MORAL
All of the Mosaic law—including the Ten which contained the sign of that covenant—was completed and fulfilled, like a will is fulfilled when a person dies, and the benefits are distributed.
We are now under a new law, not the law given on Sinai.
When we trust Him and His finished work of atonement for sin, we enter His rest.

The seventh-day Sabbath is one of the distinguishing marks of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. In fact, Sabbath-keeping has been at the hea...