FAP Mission & Vision


The Former Adventist Philippines is committed to spreading the good news of salvation by grace alone, through faith alone in Christ alone. Our mission is to reach out to transitioning and former Seventh-day Adventist members and open-minded Adventists who seek truth beyond the confines of their denomination. We aim to create a space for sincere questions, fellowship, and Bible study, fostering an environment where individuals can explore their faith journey.


Our vision is to be a beacon of light, guiding those who have left the Adventist faith toward a deeper understanding of God's grace. We aspire to:

Equip Disciples: Empower former Adventists with a solid biblical foundation, emphasizing salvation through faith in Christ rather than adherence to Old Testament laws.

Raise Awareness: Increase mission awareness among Seventh-day Adventists, encouraging them to engage in compassionate dialogue with those who have transitioned away from the Adventist church.

Build Community: Foster a supportive community where individuals can find encouragement, healing, and spiritual growth as they navigate their faith journey.

Through our mission and vision, we strive to honor Jesus Christ's great commission to make disciples, ensuring that all hear the gospel of salvation by grace alone.


Included in the FAP reorganization for 2024 is our new format called the FAP 30-Days Gospel Transformation Bible Study to be held once a week. Here are some of the changes:

a.) The Bible study session will last for only one hour.

b.) We shall conduct our Bible study session every Saturday, between 6:00 and 7:00 pm.

c.) The official app we will be using is Zoom App. 

d.) The primary objective of this FAP Gospel Transformation Bible Study group is primarily for transitioning SDAs or former SDAs. It is secondarily aimed at individuals from non-SDA backgrounds belonging to other religions.

e.) Upon completion of the FAP 30-Days Gospel Transformation Bible Study Program, each participant will be awarded a Certificate of Completion. Only then will they be endorsed by FAP to nearby born-again Christian Churches for further nurturing, discipleship, and Baptism.

f.) The FAP 30-Days Gospel Transformation Bible Study Program will be led by Pastor Ronald Obidos and Brother Engineer Ellery Sembrano.

Contact us:

Mobile#: 09695143944

Support this ministry:

BPI Bank Cainta Branch 
Ronald V. Obidos
Savings Acct# 3259 0224 19

Gcash: 09695143944


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