Thursday, February 1, 2024



Is it right for Seventh-day Adventist leadership to prohibit their members from watching the videos of the Former Adventist Fellowship Philippines? That's what we're discussing today. What could have prompted the SDA leadership to ban their members? In my humble opinion, I see the concern of the SDA leadership about the decrease in the number of their members because they are being "cheated" or "deceived" by the expositions in our podcasts. In fact, more and more SDA members worldwide, not just in the Philippines, are leaving the Seventh-day Adventist church because of such programs by former Adventists who were once members, evangelists, apologists, elders, pastors, and theologians.

If this is the reason, it's only natural to prohibit their members from watching because any religious denomination would do so to protect their members. That perspective aligns with the views of the leaders of the SDA church. But what should the perspective of SDA members be on this matter? Will it help or not? SDA members may have different views on this. If you are convinced and committed to the teachings of the SDA, you're sure not to waste time watching our podcast. However, if you're an SDA member afraid to find out that there might be something wrong with SDA doctrines, you certainly wouldn't watch our podcasts because you're more concerned about the potential negative consequences it may have on your family, friends, or even your job.

But if you are an open-minded SDA who still wants to learn more and is not afraid to confront the truth to be even more certain in what you believe, then, to me, that is more admirable and honorable. It's not a guarantee that you are already in the truth, that's why your leaders are jusrified in prohibiting you from watching and listening to our podcasts because that's what cult religions do. They prohibit their members from reading materials from other religions that they haven't published, fearing that their hidden history might be exposed. This was my experience when I was still a Jehovah's Witness. They were very strict with their members, forbidding them from reading books from other religions, which they considered rebellion against their organization or apostasy. This is what they often called me back then because I liked collecting various readings from different religions believing that I could use them as weapons against them if ever I confronted them during my door-to-door preaching. But despite the opposition and discipline from the Jehovah's Witness leaders, I continued until I read publications from former Jehovah's Witnesses members and leaders about the wrong teachings they saw, such as their false prophecies that their leaders hide from their members. That's when I understood why the leadership strictly forbids reading other books. That's what led me to leave Jehovah's Witnesses. 

So, it's not surprising that even after becoming a Seventh-day Adventist, I continued collecting religious readings from various groups. Not because I doubted the SDA church, but to further ensure that I am truly in the right faith. I'm not content to just hear one side; I also want to know what others are saying so I can formulate my own answers and prove to myself that there is no truth to the allegations made by critics of the SDA church. However, just like my experience with Jehovah's Witnesses, I also discovered many lies of the SDA church that leaders have been hiding from their members for a long time now. I have read teachings of the SDA, especially in the writings of Ellen White, that they are no longer hiding from unsuspecting members today. One example is Ellen G. White's false prophecies, such as her Camden Vision,[1] where she stated in her first vision that the door of mercy for the world closed on October 22, 1844, so it was too late for people to repent because they rejected Ellen G. White's message.[1] Another glaring example is Ellen G. White's clear teaching that Christ is just a created being, an angel with wings.[2]

So the question is, is it really wrong to be curious and read or watch videos from other religions like those of former Adventists? It's not inherently wrong, especially if SDAs believe that their leaders are not hiding anything from them. But why are they prohibited from watching videos and reading materials from them by their leaders? If they are truly convinced that the truth lies within the Seventh-day Adventist church, they shouldn't be afraid of their members watching our podcasts and reading our articles.

In my personal experience, similar to other former pastors and theologians of the SDA church, I also discovered many lies being concealed and suppressed writings of Ellen G. White, including hundreds of unpublished writings by Mrs. White that until now have not been published and are still hidden in the Ellen White Estate vault in America. I feel sorry for the ordinary members of the SDAs and their newly baptized individuals who are unaware that many false teachings are being concealed from them by the SDA leadership until now.

Therefore, I continue to expose the errors and deceptive teachings of the Seventh-day Adventist church through the ministry of the Former Adventist Fellowship Philippines because by God's grace, many are awakened and minds are opened. Such an attitude from SDA leaders only indicates their weakness. This weakness is evidenced by their prohibition of their members from watching our podcasts, which suggests one of the following:

a.) They themselves have no confidence in the teachings of the Seventh-day Adventist church.
b.) They lack trust in their own members.
c.) They also lack trust in their layman debaters who are aspiring defenders of their church, allegedly lacking deep backgrounds in theology and biblical languages, many of whom have not completed college.

I receive numerous calls from SDA members across the Philippines who request not to be mentioned for confidential reasons and emails expressing heartfelt gratitude to the Lord for leading them to our videos and articles to open their eyes to the truth. One of them is Sister Helen Yamaguchi, mentioned earlier. She wrote:

"It's true what Pastor Obidos said; I was prohibited from watching preachers like you. I've left that congregation, so now I'm free to study the Word of God."

Hallelujah Praise the Lord! AMEN!


[1] You can read the full details and my answers to their objections in this article:

[2] Watch the details here in this video:

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