Many argue that it is incorrect for Christians to claim that Jesus is our Sabbath, stating that this is not found in the Bible. Some even sa...


Saturday, August 17, 2024


Revelation 7:2 (ESV)
"Then I saw another angel ascending from the rising of the sun, with the seal of the living God, and he called with a loud voice to the four angels who had been given power to harm earth and sea."


In our previous discussion, we explored three persuasive arguments that Sunday worship does not constitute the 'mark of the beast' as described in Revelation 13. To summarize, we presented the following points:

#1. Sunday Worship as the Mark of the Beast: Invention of Joseph Bates!

#2. Sunday as the Mark of the Beast: A Misinterpretation of Daniel 7:25 Prophecy!

#3. Sunday worship as the Mark of the Beast: 666 is not Vicarius Filii Dei! 

We also highlighted the importance of recognizing how the original audience of the book of Revelation understood John's message to the seven churches. To fully grasp the meaning, it's crucial to consider multiple contexts, including the immediate circumstances, historical background, political environment, theological implications, and the perspective of the original recipients. Understanding the mark of the beast in Revelation requires first acknowledging its relevance to those who initially received the message. Only with this foundational understanding can we begin to interpret its meaning for today. Given that many of the issues addressed in Revelation directly impacted them, John's immediate audience—the seven churches in Asia Minor—were expected to understand and respond. Since many of the challenges revealed to John would soon confront these churches, they were expected to be prepared. As Revelation 1:3 states:

Revelation 1:3 (ESV) "Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what is written in it, for the time is near."

Because "the time is near," indicating its imminence, a blessing is promised to those who read, listen to, and follow the teachings within the book. John gave another urgent reminder from Revelation 22:6: 

Revelation 22:6 (ESV) "And he said to me, “These words are trustworthy and true. And the Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, has sent his angel to show his servants what must soon take place.”

The sense of urgency in the phrase is repeated in verse 10:

"And he said to me, 'Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near,'"

When Jesus instructed John, "Write therefore the things that you have seen, those that are and those that are to take place after this" (Rev. 1:19)

He was expressing His awareness, indicating that some of the events John witnessed were real occurrences. Events were happening in the present ("those that are") as well as events yet to unfold in the future. The seven churches of Asia Minor were accustomed to the practice of enforcing unity within a state or empire through the use of markings. As John's original audience, they understood the historical use of symbols to signify loyalty to the emperor and the state. For example, the Egyptian ruler Ptolemy IV Philopator required all Jews under his rule to register in a census and display the symbol of Dionysus, an ivy leaf (3 Macc. 2:27-30). The passage reads:

3 Maccabees 2:27-30 (RSVA):

"27 He proposed to inflict public disgrace upon the Jewish community, and he set up a stone on the tower in the courtyard with this inscription: "None of those who do not sacrifice shall enter their sanctuaries, and all Jews shall be subjected to a registration involving poll tax and to the status of slaves. Those who object to this are to be taken by force and put to death;

28 those who are registered are also to be branded on their bodies by fire with the ivy-leaf symbol of Dionysus, and they shall also be reduced to their former limited status."

29 In order that he might not appear to be an enemy to all, he inscribed below: "But if any of them prefer to join those who have been initiated into the mysteries, they shall have equal citizenship with the Alexandrians."

30 Now some, however, with an obvious abhorrence of the price to be exacted for maintaining the religion of their city, readily gave themselves up, since they expected to enhance their reputation by their future association with the king."

Ptolemy IV Philopator's decree sought to suppress Jewish religious practices and enforce assimilation into Hellenistic culture, reflecting a broader historical pattern in which Hellenistic rulers aimed to consolidate their power by imposing cultural and religious conformity. The branding of Jews with the Dionysian ivy-leaf symbol was a form of religious persecution, intended to publicly mark those who complied. This act of branding can be compared to the persecutions faced by the seven churches in Revelation and by other Christians across the Roman Empire. The connection of Nero, or another Roman emperor, to the Apocalyptic Beast, is affirmed by all the earliest Christian writers on the Apocalypse, from Irenaeus to Victorious of Pettau and Commodian in the fourth century, Andreas in the fifth, and St. Beatus in the eighth century. This identification is well established. John, writing to first-century Christians, warned them of events that would happen "soon." Under Nero, the first Roman persecution of the church began and lasted for 42 months (cf. Rev. 13:5). When Nero was accused of starting the great fire in Rome, he shifted the blame onto Christians. Tacitus describes the brutal persecution that followed, with Christians being covered in pitch and used as human torches at Nero's dinner parties. This persecution began in AD 64 and continued for 42 months, ending in AD 68 when Nero was forced to commit suicide.  

It is widely believed that the name Nero corresponds to the number 666. This is accurate because, just as certain Roman letters have numerical values—such as "I" for 1, "V" for 5, "X" for 10, "L" for 50, "C" for 100, and "D" for 500—the letters of the Hebrew alphabet also have numerical values. For example, the Roman letters DCLXVI add up to 666, which is easily recognized by anyone familiar with Roman numerals. Similarly, for any literate Jew, it would not be difficult to interpret the number of Nero's name. The Hebrew spelling of "Nero Caesar" is NRWN QSR (pronounced Neron Kesar), and when calculated, the Hebrew equivalent of this name equals 666.

The numerical values of the Hebrew letters in Neron Kesar (Nero Caesar) are:


The Greek word χάραγμα (charagma, "mark" in Revelation 13:16) was most frequently used to describe impressions on coinage or paper documents. Craig Keener notes: "The use of a mark to enforce national or empire-wide unity already had a long history known to John’s audience. . . Even in John’s day, however, one could not handle money without involvement in the imperial system."[1] During the reign of Emperor Decius (249–251 AD), individuals who lacked a certificate of sacrifice (libellus) to Caesar were prohibited from engaging in trade—a policy that may have originated with Nero and mirrors Revelation 13:17. Many coins, shipping invoices, and other documents contained references to the emperor's divinity, making it difficult to conduct business without encountering such a "mark" (13:17). During the controversy over the mark of the beast in the Roman Empire, Sunday continued to be the day of worship for Apostolic Christians throughout the first three centuries of the Christian Church. This is reflected in John's use of the term "Lord's Day" in Revelation 1:10, which, according to Christian history, was a well-known reference to Sunday among Christians in Asia Minor.

Therefore, the Seventh-day Adventists are incorrect in associating Sunday worship with the mark of the beast in Revelation 13. This concept is merely a fabrication by Joseph Bates, who has repeatedly failed in his interpretations of biblical prophecy due to his lack of proper biblical hermeneutics and understanding of biblical languages. Worse still, this idea was endorsed by the false prophet Ellen G. White. However, as Jesus warned in Matthew 24:24, many have been deceived, and most of these are unsuspecting Seventh-day Adventist members who are unaware that they are being misled.

The SDAs Sabbath as the Seal of God

Just like the "Mark of the Beast," the Seal of God has nothing to do with the day of worship according to the Scriptures. However, as expected, the SDAs have an unbiblical concept regarding the "Seal of God." They associate the Sabbath with the "Seal of God" under the authority and teachings of their recognized prophet, Ellen G. White. This SDA teaching can be found in their book, SDA 28 Fundamental Beliefs, which states:

"The Sabbath commandment functions as the seal of God’s law. Generally, seals contain three elements: the name of the owner of the seal, his title, and jurisdiction. Official seals are used to validate documents of great import. The document takes on the authority of the official whose seal is placed upon it. The seal implies that the official himself approved of the legislation and that all the power of his office stands behind it. Among the Ten Commandments, it is the Sabbath command that contains the vital elements of a seal. It is the only one of the ten that identifies the true God by giving His name: “the Lord your God;” His title: the One who made—the Creator; and His territory: “the heavens and the earth” (Ex. 20:10, 11). Since only the fourth commandment shows by whose authority the Ten Commandments were given, it therefore “contains the seal of God,” attached to His law as evidence of its authenticity and binding force." [2] 

Yes, I agree that the Sabbath is the seal or sign of the Old Mosaic law covenant and is not a universal sign, as the SDAs believe, including Christians living under the new covenant of grace. This is not possible because signs or seals related to covenants were unique to the specific parties involved. Specifically, the Old Covenant represented a relationship between God and the Israelites, with the weekly Sabbath serving as a covenant marker between them. This is very clear from Exodus 31:13, 17:

Exodus 31:13, 17 (ESV) “You are to speak to the people of Israel and say, ‘Above all you shall keep my Sabbaths, for this is a sign between me and you throughout your generations, that you may know that I, the LORD, sanctify you. It is a sign forever between me and the people of Israel that in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested and was refreshed."

This is the problem with the SDA's approach to interpreting the Scriptures. They impose their preconceived ideas onto the text (eisegesis) rather than drawing understanding from the text itself (exegesis). So whenever they read Exodus 31:13, 17, they blindly overlook phrases like "speak to the people of Israel" and "It is a sign between me and the people of Israel." Instead, they focus solely on statements like "You shall keep my sabbaths" and "It is a sign between me and you throughout your generations" which they think applies to them. It's difficult for them to accept that the Sabbath is a sign only between God and Israel.

Another Bible verse they often use to justify their seventh-day Sabbath observance as a sign between them and God is Ezekiel 20:12, 20. It reads:

Ezekiel 20:12, 20 (ESV) "Moreover, I gave them my Sabbaths, as a sign between me and them, that they might know that I am the LORD who sanctifies them. And keep my Sabbaths holy that they may be a sign between me and you, that you may know that I am the LORD your God."

This is the passage they most frequently use to defend their Sabbath observance, rather than Exodus 31:13, 17 because the term "Israel" is never mentioned in this text. This allows them some leeway in debates, as the statements are simply "I gave them my Sabbaths, as a sign between me and them" and "keep my Sabbaths holy that they may be a sign between me and you." Since neither of these statements mentions "Israel," the SDAs feel justified in applying this text to themselves. Did the SDAs really get away with this? Absolutely not! When the full context is considered, it clearly shows that the Sabbath is a sign solely between God and Israel, excluding Christians who are under the New Covenant of grace and truth.

If you're discussing with an SDA using their own Bible, have them read the immediate context of Ezekiel 20:12 and 20. Start from verses 10 and 11, which state the following, refuting their incorrect interpretation:

Ezekiel 20:10-11 (ESV) "So I led them out of the land of Egypt and brought them into the wilderness. I gave them my statutes and made known to them my rules, by which, if a person does them, he shall live."

Therefore, for whom is the Sabbath a sign? The Sabbath is for those whom God freed from slavery in Egypt, and only they were truly saved by God, not including Filipino Gentiles and other nations. Indeed, what Apostle Paul said is fulfilled in them because many SDAs are not yet with the Lord. Thus, whenever they read the Old Testament, they do not clearly see the truths it teaches because there is a veil over their eyes, preventing them from understanding its reading. In 2 Corinthians 3:14-16 Paul states:

2 Corinthians 3:14-16 (ESV) "But their minds were hardened. For to this day, when they read the old covenant, that same veil remains unlifted, because only through Christ is it taken away. Yes, to this day whenever Moses is read a veil lies over their hearts. But when one turns to the Lord, the veil is removed."

The only hope for our Seventh-day Adventist friends is our sincere and fervent prayers that the veil covering their eyes be removed by accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. As long as the veil covering their eyes and hearts is not removed, they will continue to be enchanted by the false interpretations of Ellen G. White and the Seventh-day Adventist false church. Therefore, their final authoritative source of truth and interpretation is not the Scriptures but the teachings of Ellen G. White. 

Each major biblical covenant has its own distinct set of signs. The symbol of one covenant did not automatically apply to future covenants, and covenant signs were never inherently transferable across different covenants. The Mosaic covenant was symbolized by the Sabbath (Exodus 31:12–17; Ezekiel 20:12–20). Although some have subtly attempted to claim otherwise, Adventists do not see the Sabbath as a covenant symbol of the New Covenant. It does not instantly become its symbol when transferred to the New Covenant. The New Covenant is symbolized by the Lord's Supper (Luke 22:19–20; 1 Corinthians 11:23–26). This is a fundamental biblical lesson. However, Adventists persist in presenting these erroneous claims that the Sabbath is the sign of God and the means of redemption for Christians—not because Scripture dictates it, but due to Ellen White's strong teachings on the subject.

Sabbath as the Seal of God Promotes work-based salvation

Because Ellen G. White holds more authority for SDAs than the Bible, they have been led to believe the incorrect teaching that the Sabbath is the seal of God. This is one of the SDA teachings that has caused headaches for their leaders regarding their doctrine of salvation. Many SDAs have come to understand the true doctrine of salvation—that a sinner is saved only by God's grace and not by good works. However, due to Ellen G. White's teaching that the Sabbath is the seal of God, they revert to salvation by works. They do not realize that by making the Sabbath the seal of God, they fall from God's grace because the belief that the Sabbath is the seal of God promotes a work-based salvation!

Let's hear it from Ellen G. White herself:

"The Lord has shown me clearly that the image of the beast will be formed before probation closes; for it is to be the great test for the people of God, by which their eternal destiny will be decided. This is the test that the people of God must have before they are sealed. All who prove their loyalty to God by observing His law, and refusing to accept a spurious Sabbath, will rank under the banner of the Lord God Jehovah and will receive the seal of the living God. Those who yield the truth of heavenly origin, and accept the Sunday Sabbath, will receive the mark of the beast." [Ellen G. White, Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 6 (1889-1890), Lt 11, 1890, par. 10 and 11]

In Adventist eschatology, probation will end once the anticipated Sunday Laws are enacted. Before receiving the seal of God, Adventists must pass "the test," which involves facing these Sunday Laws. To attain salvation and be sealed by God, they must observe the Sabbath and show their faith through their actions. Their Sabbath observance will be what qualifies them for God's end-time seal and ultimate redemption. Therefore, their frequent claims on social media programs and evangelistic crusades that the SDA does not believe in salvation by works are merely pretenses and deceptions aimed at making them appear as Christians rather than a cult. When asked about the central issue in the end times, they have only one answer, which is what they learned from their false prophet, Ellen G. White: only Sabbath keepers will be saved and receive the seal of God because they did not accept the false Sabbath of Sunday. Thus, they are still fallen from grace as their salvation ultimately boils down to salvation by works. The major problem facing Seventh-day Adventists today is whether they are perfectly observing the Sabbath. Dear Adventist friends, be honest with yourselves. Even if it's just in front of a mirror, ask yourself: Am I truly perfect in observing the Sabbath or not? It's crucial to answer that question while you are still alive to ensure whether you will receive the seal of God when Ellen G. White's Sunday law comes, which will be the test of your salvation. 

If you truly do not wish to leave the SDA church and want to remain there until the end of your life, you are required to follow the instructions of Ellen G. White to supposedly receive the seal of God and be saved from the seven last plagues:

"God requires that His holy day be as sacredly observed now as in the time of Israel. The command given to the Hebrews should be regarded by all Christians as an injunction from Jehovah to them. The day before the Sabbath should be made a day of preparation, that everything may be in readiness for its sacred hours. In no case should our own business be allowed to encroach upon holy time." [Ellen Gould White, Patriarchs and Prophets, 296]

Sleeping in the During the Sabbath

"None should feel at liberty to spend sanctified time in an unprofitable manner. It is displeasing to God for Sabbathkeepers to sleep during much of the Sabbath. They dishonor their Creator in so doing, and, by their example, say that the six days are too precious for them to spend in resting. They then excuse themselves by saying: “The Sabbath was given for a day of rest. I will not deprive myself of rest to attend meeting, for I need rest.” Such make a wrong use of the sanctified day." [ Ellen G. White, Counsels for the Church p. 270]

"Let none come to the place of worship to take a nap. There should be no sleeping in the house of God." [Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 6, 361]

"Let not the precious hours of the Sabbath be wasted in bed. On Sabbath morning the family should be astir early. If they rise late, there is confusion and bustle in preparing for breakfast and Sabbath school. There is hurrying, jostling, and impatience. Thus unholy feelings come into the home. The Sabbath, thus desecrated, becomes a weariness, and its coming is dreaded rather than loved."[Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 6, 357]

Common clothes worn on the Sabbath

"Many need instruction as to how they should appear in the assembly for worship on the Sabbath. They are not to enter the presence of God in the common clothing worn during the week. All should have a special Sabbath suit, to be worn when attending service in God's house." [Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 6, 355]

Travelling by car on the Sabbath

"If we desire the blessing promised to the obedient, we must observe the Sabbath more strictly. I fear that we often travel on this day when it might be avoided. In harmony with the light which the Lord has given in regard to the observance of the Sabbath, we should be more careful about traveling on the boats or cars on this day. In these matters we should set a right example before our children and youth. In order to reach the churches that need our help, and to give them the message that God desires them to hear, it may be necessary for us to travel on the Sabbath; but so far as possible we should secure our tickets and make all necessary arrangements on some other day. When starting on a journey we should make every possible effort to plan so as to avoid reaching our destination on the Sabbath."[Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 6, 359]

Cooking on the Sabbath

"On Friday let the preparation for the Sabbath be completed. See that all the clothing is in readiness, and that all the cooking is done. Let the boots be blacked, and the baths be taken. It is possible to do this. If you make it a rule, you can do it. The Sabbath is not to be given to the repairing of garments, to the cooking of food, to pleasure seeking, or to any other worldly employment. Before the setting of the sun, let all secular work be laid aside, and all secular papers be put out of sight."[Ellen G. White, Child Guidance, 528]

Washing Dishes on the Sabbath

"We would charge all not to wash their dishes on the Sabbath if this can possibly be avoided. God is dishonored by any unnecessary work done on His holy day. It is not inconsistent, but proper, that the dishes should be left unwashed till the close of the Sabbath if this can be managed."[Ellen G. White, Selected Messages Book 3, 258]

SDA Children are forbidden to play on the Sabbath

"The house of God is desecrated and the Sabbath violated by Sabbath believers’ children. They run about the house, play, talk, and manifest their evil tempers in the very meetings where the saints have met together to glorify God and to worship Him in the beauty of holiness." [Ellen G. White, Selected Messages Book 3,  257]

"Above everything, take care of your children upon the Sabbath. Do not let them violate it, for you may just as well violate it yourself as to let your children do it. When you suffer your children to play upon the Sabbath, God looks upon you as a commandment breaker. You transgress His Sabbath." [Ellen G. White, Selected Messages Book 3, 257]

SDAs should perfectly obey the Sabbath

"A partial observance of the Sabbath law is not accepted by the Lord and has a worse effect upon the minds of sinners than if you made no profession of being a Sabbathkeeper. They perceive that your life contradicts your belief, and lose faith in Christianity." [Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 4, 248]

The seal of the living God is placed upon those who conscientiously keep the Sabbath of the Lord” [Ellen G. White, Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Vol. 7, p. 980]

Unfortunately, no Adventist has ever fully followed all the Sabbath-keeping norms and criteria as prescribed by the Bible and Ellen White. Not a single one. Each Sabbath, Adventists fall short of these commandments.

My SDA friends, it's important to be honest with yourselves and repent while there's still time to seriously consider your salvation. Is this the kind of salvation you seek? You lack assurance of salvation because you know deep down that you haven't perfectly obeyed the law. According to Ellen G. White's teachings, failing to perfectly keep the law means you won't pass the test or receive the seal of God, even if you attend SDA church every Saturday. Church attendance alone isn't enough, as your prophet teaches.

"The law of God will be satisfied with nothing short of perfection, of perfect and entire obedience to all its claims. To come halfway to its requirements, and not render perfect and thorough obedience, will avail nothing." [Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 1,416]

"God will accept nothing but purity and holiness; one spot, one wrinkle, one defect in the character, will forever debar them from heaven, with all its glories and treasures." [Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 2, 453]

The Seal of God is the Holy Spirit not the Sabbath

According to Ellen G. White, being a faithful Adventist does not guarantee salvation, my friend. However, it is not too late, my dear Adventist friend, to receive the gift of salvation. You can receive the free gift of salvation right now, away from your work-based method of Sabbath keeping, which you cannot perfect. All you need to do is have faith in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, repent of your sins, and accept the truth that Christ died on the cross to pay for your sins as your personal Lord and Savior. When you do this, you will immediately receive the true seal of God, the Holy Spirit, as a sign that you have been forgiven of your sins. You will then be a born-again child of God with eternal life. The seal of God, the Holy Spirit, is given to you because you have faith in the name of the Lord Jesus. This is the promise of the Lord to you in His Word:

Ephesians 1:13-14 (ESV) "In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory.

The seal of God, the Holy Spirit, received by every believer through faith in Jesus, is described as the "guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it." This means that right now, at this very moment, you have the assurance of salvation because you have the seal of the Holy Spirit. It is impossible to receive this seal through Sabbath-keeping alone, as even if you are a Sabbath keeper, it does not guarantee that you can perfectly keep the Sabbath. Therefore, you remain under God's judgment. However, the true seal, the Holy Spirit, gives you the certainty that you will receive your inheritance because of your faith in the free salvation offered by Jesus.

Additionally, the seal of the Holy Spirit is not a work-based salvation like Sabbath keeping, where you must perfectly follow the rules of Ellen G. White to be saved. In contrast, the seal of God, the Holy Spirit, is a gift from the Lord given to you freely, as stated in 2 Corinthians 1:21-22.

2 Corinthians 1:21-22 (ESV) "And it is God who establishes us with you in Christ, and has anointed us, and who has also put his seal on us and given us his Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee."

Dahil dito hindi mo na kailangan pang mangilin ng Sabbath para lamang matanggap mo ang Holy Spirit. Sinasabi ng Efeso 4:30 na ang guarantee ng kaligtasan na ibinibigay ng Holy Spirit bilang seal of God sa bawat mananampalataya ay aabot pa hanggang sa "day of redemption". Ganito ang nakasulat:

Ephesians 4:30 (ESV) "And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption."

This contradicts the teachings of the SDAs, who claim that the seal of God, the Sabbath, will only be permanently received by SDAs at the end time if they prevail against the Sunday law. It appears that the SDAs believe there are two seals of God: the first being the Holy Spirit and the second being the Sabbath during the end time, which has no biblical basis! There is only one seal of God that believers will receive, which is the Holy Spirit. According to the teachings of the Scriptures, the seal of the Holy Spirit received by born-again Christians today is the same seal that guarantees they will remain until the "day of redemption," when our corruptible bodies will be transformed into incorruptible ones in heaven.

Based on the passages we mentioned, it is clear that the Bible opposes the SDA teaching that there are two types of the seal of God: the Holy Spirit and the Sabbath on the future day of redemption. Where did the SDAs get this idea if it is not taught in the Bible? It can only be from the false prophet Ellen G. White, who has misled many SDAs.


[1] Keener, Craig. NIV Application Commentary Revelation. Zondervan, 2000. Olive Tree Bible Software on Revelation 13:18.

[2] Ministerial Association General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Seventh-day Adventist Believe: A Biblical Exposition of Fundamental Doctrines. 2005 Second Edition, USA, Pacific Press Publishing Association, 2006. p. 284

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