Friday, October 6, 2023


Anyone can say they are a prophet or a visionary. What matters is if, what the prophet says is God’s truth, or simply the arrogant and vain imaginations of their own minds.

Ellen G. White failed all of the tests given in the Bible to determine a true prophet of God.

The Bible gives us six tests to determine if a prophet is a true prophet of God or not.

1. A true prophet’s prophecies must come true (Deuteronomy 18:22).
See: Embarrassing Failed Prophecies |

2. A true prophet cannot have falsehoods in their visions (Jeremiah 23:32).
See: Cannot have falsehoods in their visions |

3. A true prophet cannot steal their writings from others (Jeremiah 23:25, 30).
See: Ellen White's Plagiarism |

4. A true prophet cannot contradict the Word of God (Isaiah 8:16-22).
See: Do Ellen G. White's Writings Contradict the Bible? |

5. A true prophet must bear good fruit (Matthew 7:15-16).
See: Must bear good fruit |

6. A true prophet must encourage and build up others (1 Corinthians 14:3)
See: Ellen White's Harsh Treatment of Others |

     The links above are only the tip of the iceberg. Many more links could be shared to show how badly Ellen White failed as a prophet of God.

Ellen G. White shares the same sad legacy that Joseph Smith, Mary Baker Eddy, Charles T. Russell, Herbert W. Armstrong, L. Ron Hubbard, David Koresh, Jim Jones, and many others have. They were all false prophets. If Ellen G. White lived during the time of the Old Covenant she would have been put to death for her failed prophecies about things she said would happen in her own lifetime.

Ellen G. White was a fraud who had no reliability or trustworthiness in anything she ever said or did. Seventh-day Adventism, with its allegiance to and acceptance of Ellen G. White as their prophet, is a cultic religion based on fear and intimidation. Honest people must decide at some point whether or not to support a church system that promotes a false prophet who taught heretical and legalistic beliefs.

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