Saturday, July 22, 2023


Abner Pablo

The holy GOD  laid down the "holy and righteous and good law" of the Ten Commandments upon the  "ungodly and sinners, the unholy and profane, murderers, adulterers, liars ... and  NOT  FOR  THE  RIGHTEOUS " ( 1 Timothy 1:8-10 )  WHY? The law is a "ministry of  DEATH, written on tables of stone". (2 Corinthians 3:7 ) . It's "letter kills", v.6 . It is also a "ministry of CONDEMNATION" . v.9. Such is the sole function of the law of the Ten Commandments. Simply because all human beings since Adam are  SINFUL  BY  NATURE  AND FROM  BIRTH. ( Romans 5:12-14 / Romans 5:18-19 /  Romans 7:14-24  / Psalms 51:5  / John 3:6 ) . GOD would be an unjust GOD if he would give them a law that would justify them. 

     Apostle Paul wrote:  " If a law had been given that could give life ( SPIRIT life  - Galatians 3:2-5  / Galatians 3:13-14 / Galatians 4:4-7 ),  then righteousness would indeed be by the law ". ( Galatians 3:21 ) . NO!  The law is for SINNERS  or FLESH ONLY and its sole purpose is TO  CONDEMN  AND KILL  SINNERS. For  GOD,  " the wages of sin is DEATH " . ( Romans 6:23 / Genesis 2:17).

     Therefore, as long as men are sinners because of their sinful nature or life of FLESH, they are UNDER THE LAW. ( Romans 7:5  /  Romans 7:1 ) . The law would continue to assert its authority and power to condemn and CURSE  and kill them. " Whatever the law says it SPEAKS  to THOSE UNDER  THE LAW so that every mouth might be stopped, ( from self - justification  ) and the whole world be held ACCOUNTABLE  TO GOD. For by the works of the law, NO FLESH  ( human life ) will be  JUSTIFIED before  GOD " . ( Romans 3:19-20 ). 

     Clearly, then, only two destinies await sinful mankind: ALL MUST DIE  or ONE  RIGHTEOUS  BEING  DIE  FOR  THEM. The former is LAW; the latter is  GRACE. If the law is enforced, there is no hope for mankind. But in  "  the grace of  GOD, CHRIST TASTED  DEATH FOR  EVERYONE  ". ( Hebrews 2:9 / Hebrews 2:14-15  ) . " One died for all, therefore all have died  " .  ( 2 Corinthians 5:14).
     This is the GOOD  NEWS: " CHRIST abolished death and brought  LIFE  AND  IMMORTALITY to light through the gospel ". ( 2  Timothy 1:10 ) . CHRIST set us free from the law by his death. " You  DIED  TO  THE  LAW, through the body of  CHRIST ...discharged from the law, DEAD to that which held us captive, so that we serve in the NEW  LIFE  OF THE SPIRIT  and not in the old way of the  WRITTEN  CODE  " . ( Law or  Ten Commandments ). Romans  7:4-7 / Galatians 2:19-21  ) . 

     Hear the good news!  " YOU  ARE  NOT  UNDER  LAW  but  UNDER  GRACE  ". ( Romans  6:14 ) . " CHRIST  is the mediator of a NEW  COVENANT  ( SPIRIT  that  GIVES  LIFE  )  ...because a DEATH  ( ON  THE CROSS ) has occurred that redeems us from the transgressions  UNDER THE FIRST  COVENANT " . ( law that kills ). ( Hebrews 9:15-16 / Deuteronomy  4:13 / Exodus 34:28-35  / 2 Corinthians  3:5-18 ) . 

     Only believers partake of this  GRACE  AND  NEW  COVENANT!  Those who return to  " the law have fallen from grace and separated from CHRIST  " . ( Galatians 5:1-5 ) . The death of CHRIST set us free from the law and now gives us  BELIEVERS IN CHRIST  the SPIRIT LIFE. 

     " If you are led by the SPIRIT, you are not  UNDER THE Law  ".  For you are now a  SON  OF  GOD, born of the SPIRIT. ( Galatians 5:18 / Galatians 4:4-7   Galatians 3:23-26  /  Romans 8:9-17 ) . BELIEVE  !  and be free ... ( John 3:16-19  / John 3:36  /  Romans 8:2-5 ).

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