Wednesday, December 20, 2023


“Now we who have believed entered that rest…” Hebrews 4:3

I was recently asked the following question(s): 
  • Why do some who leave Seventh-day Adventism call themselves “former Adventists”?
  • Why have Former Adventist websites, forums, magazines, conferences, etc.? 
  • Why not just leave Adventism quietly?
The answers to these questions are found in the doctrines of the Seventh-day Adventist church itself. Its’ claim of being the “remnant church” and having the “truth” puts a false burden of guilt on anyone who may question these claims. Adventism believes that one studies themselves INTO Adventism…never OUT of it…not unless one is abandoning Jesus in the process!
Adventism believes that one studies themselves INTO Adventism…never OUT of it…not unless one is abandoning Jesus in the process!
This is simply not true!

For support and encouragement to those who struggle with these spiritual fears, “formers” and their various written and verbal works are needed.

To alert those outside of Adventism who may be unaware and deceived as to the realities of Adventist doctrinal belief, ‘formers” are needed.

Adventist doctrine is in sharp contrast to Jesus’ claim: “I am the Way and the Truth, and the Life” John 14:6. In Colossians 2:2,3 Paul writes these excellent words: “My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, so that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. I tell you this so that no one may deceive you by fine-sounding arguments.”

I want to share with you the letter I recently wrote to have my name taken off the Adventist “books”. I have since received a brief, cordial letter honoring my request. I am posting it here in the hope that it may be a help to anyone who may question, as I did for so long, the validity of Seventh-day Adventist beliefs.

November 4, 2009
West Wilmington Seventh-day Adventist Church 
3003 Millcreek Rd. 
Wilmington, Delaware 19808 

Dear Wilmington Seventh-day Adventist church, family & friends, 

This letter is one I could have written 10 years ago--yet other things seemed to always come before the discipline it takes me to compose a letter. 

I want to thank you for the huge amount of kindness and support you gave me and my family during the time my husband, Richard, was Pastor there (September 1995 to August 1999). 

The Chesapeake Conference officials also were very gracious and helpful. 

And so the following request needs to be seen as not a grievance against any individuals at all! 

For far too long I lived in a state of conflict; a time where I desired to be faithful to the Adventist church and yet became increasingly aware that to do so would be to go against my conscience and trust in the gospel of Jesus alone. 

In light of this, I feel it is best to follow through on my belief in living in the simplicity of Christ. Please take my name off the membership list. I have not "apostatized" (I think that used to be an option to be checked when dropping members). I remain "in Christ". 

Seventh-day Adventist doctrine--including remnant theology, prophetic end-time events, and Ellen White as a continuing extra-biblical authority--does not stand up under the light and glory of the New Covenant accomplished completely for us in the Cross of Christ. 

I believe Seventh-day Adventism was founded on false premises and false prophecies which de-throne the supremacy of Jesus. The Adventist doctrine of 7th-day Saturday worship being a test of loyalty to God is a denial of the Rest we find in Jesus alone--every day! 

To say that "Sabbath-keeping" is a sign or seal of God is to disregard the Holy Spirit in a Christ-follower's life. Having believed in Christ, we have the Holy Spirit Who guarantees our inheritance and redemption. 

The Old Covenant 10 Commandment Law from Mt Sinai was an incomplete and temporary measure put in place until the fullness, clarity, and glory came in Jesus! His Holy Spirit is totally sufficient to guide and motivate us now. 

The New Covenant in Christ is far superior--Christ crucified for us is the power and wisdom of God. His Spirit gives freedom and life. 

Thank you for considering this. Again, I thank you for your past kindness & care. 


Cynthia Reynolds Fearing Gresham, Oregon p.s. Could you please send me a note on my request...(This letter may be shared with anyone).

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